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policy of ethical business practices

It is a fundamental policy of WeldComputer Corporation to conduct our business with honesty and integrity and in accordance with the highest ethical and legal standards.

We believe the key to this policy’s success is through deliberate practice in our daily activities and throughout everything we do. We commit to this, and the following for the long-term success of our employees, our customers, the Corporation, and each other.

  • To prohibit all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.
  • To create, promote, and maintain a safe and healthy workplace for our employees.
  • To observe applicable laws and regulations governing compensation, recruitment, and hiring practices.
  • To comply with all applicable workplace, transportation, and environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations.
  • To be considerate of our neighbors and to take steps to enhance, and not adversely affect, the local community.
  • To undertake the necessary precautions and safeguards to protect the Corporation’s confidential information. This includes confidential intellectual property such as process, product, personnel, and financial records, and information provided to us by our customers. The Corporation recognizes this intellectual property as critical to its competitive advantage and as central to its ongoing success. The Corporation takes every appropriate action to preserve and enhance its Intellectual Property and respects the Intellectual Property rights of others.

As part of our commitment to this practice, all employees of the Corporation acknowledge their responsibility to bring suspected violations of this policy to the attention of Corporation officers. Corporation officers are responsible for investigating potential violations, and for taking the necessary corrective action should a violation of this policy occur.

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WeldComputer technology is protected by the following U.S. Patents: 4,714,913 4,742,473 4,803,331. Other Patents Pending.