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Frequently asked questions about WeldComputer Corporation’s products, services, and technologies

General FAQs

Test a Proof of Concept in Your Factory

Not convinced the WeldComputer Control will work for you? Test it out in your facility on your machine and see for yourself!

With our evaluation offer, the WeldComputer team will work with you to temporarily hook up a fully functioning welding control to your weld machine so you can see the results for yourself, without having to make a capital equipment investment to see proof. Let us help you solve your power, welding quality, and/or control reliability problems, and prove it to you on your own equipment.

Copyright © 2025 WeldComputer Corporation. WeldComputer, WeldView, and WeldAware are registered trademarks of WeldComputer Corporation.

WeldComputer technology is protected by the following U.S. Patents: 4,714,913 4,742,473 4,803,331. Other Patents Pending.