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managed machine performance

Managed Services

Let us help you manage more with less

  • WeldComputer Managed Services enables you to enlist the help of resistance welding experts to take your operation to the next level. Let our team help you to:
  • Lower operating costs,
  • Reduce downtime,
  • Increase throughput and weld quality,
  • Anticipate proactive maintenance, and
  • Free up time and resources for other important activities within your organization.

Why WeldComputer Managed Services

Running a resistance welding operation is challenging enough with the complexities of welding technology, hiring and retaining talent, managing downtime, and meeting the needs of the business. That’s exactly why we created our Managed Services offering. Our team of resistance welding experts can help you gain scale and efficiency by taking some of the challenges off your plate.

We designed our Managed Services to provide an economical way to ensure ongoing quality monitoring and proactive alerting to optimize your production operations. Our experts can help you quickly leverage your WeldComputer investments by handling the proactive, operational requirements to ensure your production line keeps moving. Managed Services also ensure business continuity in the event a previously trained engineer moves on or allows other members of the team to focus on other aspects of your business.

Using our remote access technology, we can see exactly what’s going on with your machine from thousands of miles away, and pinpoint exactly when you’ll need to take action. From there, we’ll develop monthly assessments and concise reporting to enable your operation to have higher productivity and save you time and money.

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Managed Machine Performance

Proactive monitoring of your welding machines to optimize mechanical and electrical performance

Our resistance welding experts help you achieve optimal welding performance. With Managed Machine Performance, our team will monitor your machine for deviations from the ideal welding baseline and alert your team with the prescribed remediation and mitigation recommendations to ensure your welding success. Each month you’ll receive a report documenting any notable deviation trends for these parameters that are identified during the month, including optimizations like:

  • When to clean the contacts on a specific machine secondary circuit to preemptively avoid a problem that could cause damage and result in machine downtime, and
  • When ram maintenance should be scheduled to alleviate problems with excessive friction that impairs weld quality and could lead to equipment failure.

Test a Proof of Concept in Your Factory

Not convinced the WeldComputer Control will work for you? Test it out in your facility on your machine and see for yourself!

With our evaluation offer, the WeldComputer team will work with you to temporarily hook up a fully functioning welding control to your weld machine so you can see the results for yourself, without having to make a capital equipment investment to see proof. Let us help you solve your power, welding quality, and/or control reliability problems, and prove it to you on your own equipment.

Copyright © 2025 WeldComputer Corporation. WeldComputer, WeldView, and WeldAware are registered trademarks of WeldComputer Corporation.

WeldComputer technology is protected by the following U.S. Patents: 4,714,913 4,742,473 4,803,331. Other Patents Pending.