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Improve the quality and consistency of your Projection Welding operation

WeldComputer Adaptive features automatically detect and correct welding problems to improve your welding consistency and prevent bad welds from occurring in the first place.

  • Better weld consistency – Adjust welding in real-time to improve production reliability and remove variances regardless of your machine’s age.
  • Keep production flowing – Eliminate reliance on costly destructive testing, reduce maintenance, and improve your throughput to weld without lost downtime.
  • Prove the integrity of each weld – Gain peace of mind knowing that problem welds are not slipping through production, by having the data to assure the quality of each weld.


Better Projection welding starts here

Operating with WeldComputer’s Adaptive welding technology is the easiest way to prevent bad welds from occurring. The adaptive weld schedule can automatically detect and correct each welding problem to produce consistent welds, and prevent a bad weld from occurring in the first place.

  • Consistent heat from weld to weld
  • Reduction in electrode force variations
  • Reduction in part projection geometry variations
  • Proper welding despite oil on the part and other surface condition variations

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The secret to great Projection Welding is consistent heat

The challenge with most conventional controls is that they apply the same heat regardless of the combined part, machine, and/or other variable conditions. This uniform approach to heat delivery results in inconsistent welds. If the variations are too severe, a conventional control may degrade and even damage the tooling. While monitoring does detect all of these sources of weld variation and helps to prevent poor-quality welds from leaving the factory, manufacturers can still end up with a very high, very expensive reject rate. That’s why the WeldComputer Adaptive Control is the preferred choice for projection welding. The Adaptive technology is able to effectively compensate for sources of variation by automatically adjusting the heat during each weld to obtain a consistent set-down of each projection.


Remove variability and problem welds all with one solution

The Adaptive schedule is able to recognize when serious tooling and part stack-up problems exist that prevent satisfactory weld production. As soon as a problem is detected, the Adaptive schedule instantly cuts off the heat and alerts the operator to the problem. For example, if the WeldComputer detected missing nuts, upside-down nuts, or incorrect nuts, it would immediately notify the operator. If the operation utilizes robotic or automated welding, the Adaptive Control can automatically reject the problem part without causing any halt to production. This avoids unnecessary tooling wear or damage and maximizes production throughput while also minimizing downtime.

No resistance welding challenge is too complex for our experts to help you with. Speak to our team in a FREE consultation to see what WeldComputer can do for you.

Copyright © 2025 WeldComputer Corporation. WeldComputer, WeldView, and WeldAware are registered trademarks of WeldComputer Corporation.

WeldComputer technology is protected by the following U.S. Patents: 4,714,913 4,742,473 4,803,331. Other Patents Pending.