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Resistance Welding Controls

Higher quality resistance welding with the data to prove the integrity of every weld.

The WeldComputer Control with Monitoring offers manufacturers the best value by combining both technologies to deliver consistent welding performance AND prevent abnormal welds from passing through production undetected.

  • Fewer weld variations mean better consistency
    WeldComputer allows millisecond-level granular control, and consistent heat means fewer variations at play.
  • Find problems even when you can’t see them
    Instantly identify problems as they occur, and remove bad welds before they leave the factory.
  • Prove the integrity of every weld
    Record and store weld process data so you will always have documented proof of quality.

Better quality starts with visibility

The ideal solution for any welding process is a fully integrated control system with a built-in monitor to provide unmatched data and insight into each weld as it happens. 

This integrated system offers advantages over a separate control and monitor:

  • Less labor and time to install just one system
  • Superior user interface
  • Monitoring always synced with your control
  • More advanced criteria for detecting and reporting weld variations
  • Greater reliability, greater flexibility, and more comprehensive system integration
  • Easily upgrade to full adaptive control capabilities

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Achieve a fast return on investment (ROI)

The WeldComputer Control with Monitoring helps improve weld consistency, reduce scrap, and increase production throughput knowing that each weld is of the highest quality. The combined power of control and monitoring technology alerts you when inconsistency occurs to prevent bad welds from passing through production. Data on each weld are collected, automatically, to provide you with proof of weld quality.

Fewer welding issues means fewer headaches

Welding with a higher granularity of control using an AC or Frequency Converter Transformer can benefit your welding process with shorter weld times, reduced expulsions, extended life for your electrodes, and reduced damage to your transformer.

Flexibility to upgrade when you are ready

Although identifying and rejecting bad welds is important, manufacturers who are taking these actions may still be producing expensive rejected welds. The solution: Adding adaptive technology. By upgrading to the WeldComputer Adaptive Control, you will be able to avoid manufacturing bad welds in the first place.

No resistance welding challenge is too complex for our experts to help you with. Speak to our team in a FREE consultation to see what WeldComputer can do for you.

Email us or call us at 800-553-9353

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WeldComputer technology is protected by the following U.S. Patents: 4,714,913 4,742,473 4,803,331. Other Patents Pending.