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Have a resistance welding challenge?

We can help. Our experts can help you evaluate your current process and uncover ways to increase your operation’s efficiency and welding quality consistency.
What is a Resistance Welding Assessment?

Many of our customers didn’t realize how much of their welding operation was weighed down by inefficiency. It wasn’t until they had an expert’s outside perspective that they were able to uncover the underlying factors that require attention. During your FREE 30-minute one-on-one consultation, our experts will help you evaluate your current welding process and explore ways we can help you improve your welding capabilities.

Solve your resistance welding challenges

Minimize your risk of bad welds getting to your customers
Increase welding throughput and productivity
Minimize time wasted troubleshooting problems
Lower your operating costs
Reduce scrap and unneeded operational costs
Reduce or eliminate dependency on destructive testing

Many clients rely on WeldComputer to solve their resistance welding needs. Fill out the form and one of our resistance welding experts will will contact you to discuss your resistance welding problems.

Spot Welding
Seam Welding
Projection Welding
Flash Welding
Butt Welding

Missing Weld
Undersized Weld
Stuck Weld
Excessive Indentation
Expulsion or Burn-Through
Cracks and Holes
Mislocated or Edge Welds
Sheet Metal Distortion
Extra Welds
Inconsistent Welds
Brittle Welds
Non-Round Welds
Poor Class A Appearance
Stuck Electrodes
Interfacial Separation
other (please explain below)

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WeldComputer technology is protected by the following U.S. Patents: 4,714,913 4,742,473 4,803,331. Other Patents Pending.