Not all welding controls are equal. See why WeldComputer is the trusted choice for high-quality resistance welding without the headaches.
Replacing your existing resistance welding control with a WeldComputer Control provides precise heat control with superior regulation for AC or MFDC, Three Phase Full Wave, Three Phase Half-Wave, or Frequency Converter resistance welding applications.
- Fewer weld variations mean better consistency.
- WeldComputer allows for sub-millisecond-level granular control, and consistent heat means fewer variables at play.
- Lower cost to own and operate.
- WeldComputer controls are designed to be more reliable, provide more value, and last longer than other resistance welding controls.
- Configured specifically for your application.
- Create an ideal system to suit your needs without the extras you may not need.
- Add on modules as requirements change.
- Less unnecessary downtime.
- Remote servicing means that in the rare instance when a problem occurs, diagnosis and service are quick, fast, and easy.

Speak to the Experts
Your secret to better quality, consistency, and throughput
Replacing your existing control with a WeldComputer Control is the easiest way to deliver consistent heat control performance and reduce variability compared to other controls in the market. Over a decade of operation, averting even one failure using a WeldComputer control will justify the cost of purchase, even when compared to a cheaper alternative.
Top Features
- Invariant to power line frequency and voltage fluctuation
- Configurable weld schedule structure
- Easy-to-use operator interface
- Optically isolated input and output modules
- No need for separate PLC in most applications
- Safety features to protect operator
- Large storage capacity
Turn weld quality into your competitive advantage
See why WeldComputer is the top resistance welding control in the industry for reliability and longevity:
- 450M+ welds typical lifetime compared to competitor’s 1M lifetime
- 105°C rated capacitors instead of typical 85°C capacitors
- 4x+ capacitor life expectancy
- 40% fewer amps typically required
- Options to add Integrated Monitoring and Adaptive technology modules as your needs evolve
Improve efficiency and cut energy usage almost in half.
WeldComputer’s inverter wave synthesis technology allows the same power balance across a three-phase supply with similar energy efficiency compared to using MFDC. A study conducted by a major manufacturer showed roughly 45% energy savings by using WeldComputer controls.
AC or MFDC? The choice is yours.
An expensive mid-frequency DC transformer is not required to achieve optimum inverter performance in most applications. In some applications, it actually degrades performance. The WeldComputer Control uses Waveform Synthesis technology, making it the only resistance welding inverter control with the flexibility to directly connect to any type of resistance welding transformer. No need to replace your old transformer to upgrade your control.
Low effort, high ROI
It’s expensive to run a resistance welding operation between the cost of labor, scrap, destructive testing, and everything else. By simply using a WeldComputer Control, your organization can save money and time, while driving increased production throughput. Most organizations are able to cover the cost within six months!
Configurable to fit your needs
- Digital Contact Gauge prohibits firing before a minimum cylinder pressure is reached.
- Digital Programmable Air Systems for setting cylinder pressures from the weld schedule.
- Programmable Motor Control for seam welders.
- Extra optically isolated input and output modules for complex automated applications.
- Network upgrade that enables transmission of weld schedules to and from the plant network or external computer.
- Force Control Safety System to protect the operator from serious pinch-point injury.
- and many more options to expand your capabilities!
Upgrade your WeldComputer Control at any time with our modular add-ons and enhance your welding performance.
Communication and
workstation options
Reduce the need for on-site visits to support your control by enabling remote support and management. Customers typically find payback (multiple times over) the first time a physical visit to the factory is not needed.
Weld monitoring
Adding integrated monitoring to your control will allow you to measure each weld’s performance and identify when problem welds occur. Gain peace-of-mind knowing problem welds are not passing through production undetected.
Adaptive technology
Upgrade to the most advanced resistance welding control available in the market. The adaptive technology add-on will ensure more consistent welds and prevent problems from occurring in the first place, meaning less scrap while increasing throughput.
Apply the WeldComputer Inverter Control to your resistance welding process:
Test a Proof of Concept in Your Factory
Not convinced the WeldComputer Control will work for you? Test it out in your facility on your machine and see for yourself!
With our evaluation offer, the WeldComputer team will work with you to temporarily hook up a fully functioning welding control to your weld machine so you can see the results for yourself, without having to make a capital equipment investment to see proof. Let us help you solve your power, welding quality, and/or control reliability problems, and prove it to you on your own equipment.