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“Taking advantage of clauses in the D17.2 MIL-SPEC for Resistance Welding to eliminate destructive testing, improve weld quality, and reduce machine maintenance requirements.”

The D17D Committee, which is responsible for writing and supporting the AWS D17.2 Specification for Resistance Welding for Aerospace Applications, requested us to present to the entire Committee what they needed to know to understand how to apply the technological solutions available today to:

  • Eliminate destructive production lot testing
  • Minimize part damage when a serious problem occurs with the material or machine setup
  • Reduce dependence on manual micro-ohm testing
  • Eliminate periodical machine maintenance and instead only do maintenance when needed
  • Reduce weld size variations caused from shunting due to fixtures, part geometry, and from electrode contact area variations
  • Correct for part fit-up problems and surface resistance variations.

The presentation focused on how job shops welding to AWS D17.2 are applying paragraphs 4.2.2, 4.3.3, 4.3.4, 5.1.4, 5.1.5, and 5.2.3 to address the above items to:

  • Increase the quality assurance of the process,
  •  Increase production throughput, and
  • Reduce labor and material costs.

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