Why Your Welding Control is the Secret to Your Success
The reality is that a bad weld can cost you a shipment, a contract – even, possibly, your business.
Relying on destructive testing, coupon analysis, and other methods of proving weld quality can skyrocket production costs and slow your operation.
Given this, it is vital to stop bad welds from passing through your production line undetected.
For spot, projection, seam, flash, butt, or any type of resistance welding manufacturer, your operation’s performance relies on your welding machine and the technology powering it to produce consistent, high-quality welds.
To do that, you need a resistance welding control that delivers consistent heat and reliability, allowing you to eliminate variability and make a higher quality product with fewer failures.
At WeldComputer, we feel that weld quality should be your competitive advantage. In this blog post, we’ll explore why the WeldComputer Control offers the best resistance welding control you can buy when you care about superior weld performance and ultimate weld quality.
Why You Should Consider The WeldComputer Control
Built on more than 30 years of industry experience, WeldComputer has become the leader in resistance welding controls and has helped hundreds of customers to gain peace of mind knowing that problem welds are not slipping through production.
The WeldComputer control and process monitoring systems retrofit any new or existing machine. Our proprietary technology works with any resistance welding process and interfaces with any type of resistance welding machine. It also works with any type of welding transformer: AC or MFDC, Three-Phase Full-Wave, Three-Phase Half-Wave, or Frequency Converter.
Our cost-effective technology performs online machine diagnostics before, during, and after each weld, checking for surface contamination, metal variations, and other problems affecting weld quality, then compensates for these variations on a millisecond-by-millisecond basis.
Choose the Right Controller for Your Needs
The WeldComputer product lines offer three main control models. Each control is configured to the exact specifications of your welding application. You will not be forced into paying for what you do not need or restricting your access to more advanced technology down the road. Standard equipment provides a custom solution for your operation without headaches.
WeldComputer Control
Our baseline controllers give you the most accurate and reliable control possible, allowing you to increase consistency and reduce the number of problem welds. Customers using the WeldComputer Control instantly see improvements in their heat consistency and reduced variability compared to their existing control or against other controls in the market.
WeldComputer Control with Monitoring
Taking your operation a step further, the WeldComputer Control with Monitoring allows you to reduce your reliance on destructive testing while increasing quality assurance by preventing undetected problem welds from passing through production. By combining the power of controls and monitoring technology, you will have definitive proof of weld quality the instant the weld is produced. Customers who upgrade to the Control with Monitoring can improve weld consistency, reduce scrap, increase production throughput, and know that each weld is validated by the data.
WeldComputer Adaptive Control
The WeldComputer Adaptive Control offers the ultimate benefit. Leveraging our leading adaptive technology, this control automatically adjusts for weld variabilities in real-time, so inconsistencies in the parts being welded, the machine being used, and numerous other factors are not the cause for bad welds. This increases the consistency of the welds and reduces the number of bad welds. When it is impossible to correct or compensate for the problem, the control immediately notifies the operator.
When you factor in the operational life of WeldComputer products (historically, more than 20 years with upgrades), you can quickly see that the Adaptive Control offers the best performance and lowest-cost solution in the marketplace over the lifespan of its operation. The result is a superior return on investment (ROI), quick time to value, enhanced productivity, and ongoing customer satisfaction.
We Are Here To Help
WeldComputer offers support services to help ensure the highest and most repeatable quality, improved performance, and uptime. We also follow up post-sale to ensure you and your team are trained and provide ongoing technical support.